The Neighbor Wager by Crystal Kaswell

River grew next door to the sister. He has been in love with Lexi since he first saw her. He moved to NY and has recently moved back to be close to his grandma, while she is sick. All of those feelings come back the moment he sees her again.

Deanna and Lexi are two sisters, as different from each other, as you can be. Lexi is blond, bubbly, full of life and desperately afraid of commitment. Deanna is dark, serious, driven and eager to prove herself. They made a dating app together and need investors. Lexi found her perfect match through it but is afraid that it to become serious. Deanna needs that relationship to work, so she can prove that love can predicated by the algorithm. She also needs to keep River away from her sister, so they make a wager, but the more time they spend together, the more sparks fly between them. But this time love is not based on fairytale, but on reality.

Every guy she even liked, fell for Lexi sooner or later. And River has spent literary years in love with her, so it will take something bit to convince Deanne to give their love a chance.

It is a slow-paced story, we get to know characters before they start to really interact. It's not the style I usually like, but it works well for the story. I liked the unlikely match romance aspect and how they all deal with issues.


book info
February 20, 2024
number of pages

happy reading,
