Ghosted by Sarah Ready

Jilian works for an online magazine as a relationship/dating expert. But she can't even talk to a guy face to face. Her advices are not based on real life and she is about to lose her job. She has just moved to a tiny, a little bit creepy apartment in NYC, but there is someone already living there.

Daniel doesn't remember much from before. He is good-looking, always shirtless, and also a ghost. She is also the only guy Jilian can talk to. He starts to help her with her love life in hopes that he could move on, but with that much time spent together and all of the attention he gives her, she starts to fall for him.

I like Jilian's personality, her geekiness and that she always wants to follow her heart. Daniel is the complete opposite of her, he has a very realistic view of life, especially of dating. They are complete opposites, but that is what makes them work together so well.

I love the first half of the book. It's such an interesting premise, but I kind of lost interest in the last half, it could be a lot shorter.

rating ❤

happy reading,
