
Showing posts with the label #manhwa

Semantic Error by J. Soori, Art by Angy

The cutest story! Sangwoo lives by the rules he set for himself. He has a schedule and routines he follows religiously. His whole day is in disarray if anything were to mess with those. He is a computer major at a university. At a group project, when none of the team mates managed to contribute to the presentation, he did it himself and cut all of the other names, making them essential fail the class.  One of those teammates was Jaeyoung, a design major who failed to graduate because of that class. It ruined his plans to continue his studies abroad and made him very, very angry.  Sangwoo is working on a video game and needs a designer. His current one no longer has time and has recommended someone else. When they meet up, it's none other than Jaeyoung.  He is very determined to get back at him, and disrupts his routine, just to make him mad. What makes Jaeyoung the most mad, is the fact that Sangwoo fails to remember him, even though they meet many times. They even end up...

Ennead by Mojito, Vol. 1

Ennead is a Manhwa that retells the story of the Egyptian god. The first volume is basically the intro to the story that will come and provide a backstory to some of the characters. Gods and people prospered when Orisirs led them, but he was killed and overthrown by Seth, the god of war and sand. Isis, Osiris's wife found him, saved his essence, and put him back together. They made a child. Meanwhile, Seth's ruling is cruel and not so good for people. It wasn't until now that the Gods were against it. It all seems wrong somehow like there is some hidden story behind it all that we have yet to uncover. And that what is going on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg. The art is so beautiful, it has a unique style that I just fell in love with. The storyline is very engaging and now I desperately need the rest of them. :) rating  ❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ cover  ❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ art style  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Goodreads Amazon number of pages:  296 published: November 21, 2023 happy reading, Anie